Bank code of BJB and several other banks in Indonesia : WAGB

BJB bank code and how to make an interbank transfer

You will need the BJB bank code when you go to make a transfer from another bank to the BJB bank. The need for money transfers has become a need for the inhabitants of Indonesia in their daily lives. People usually carry out transfer activities for the purpose of buying and selling online.

Nowadays, to meet their needs, people often shop online. Whether it’s buying basic necessities, clothing, electronics and much more. It is not uncommon to make a payment, you need to make a transfer between banks, because the account that is the destination is different from the account you have.

For this, you need to know the existing bank codes, in order to be able to make interbank transfers. These bank codes have become an agreement for all banking services in Indonesia. Without the use of a bank code, you cannot make interbank transfers. Because when you make an interbank transfer without using the destination bank code, it will definitely be rejected by the machine.

There are so many bank codes in Indonesia, so it seems impossible to memorize them all. But it would be nice for you to memorize bank codes that arewidely requested by the majority of Indonesians. For example, BJB bank code, BNI bank code, BIS bank code, BCA bank code and mandiri bank code.

The above banks are banks that have very many customers in Indonesia. So there is a good chance that you will make a transfer to one of these banks. It will be very useful if you memorize the bank codes that are commonly used. This will not require you to check the list of bank codes during a transfer.

What is BJB bank code?

The BJB bank code is a unique code belonging to the BJB bank. The unique code became kesepakatan with other banks in Indonesia. Bank codes are usually three digits. The bank code must be entered in front of the destination account number during interbank transfers.

When you make an interbank transfer, you will be charged an additional fee. The fees charged vary depending on the bank you are using. For the transfer to be successful, you must ensure that the balance is sufficient if it has been added to the  transfer fee that must be paid. Usually, there is also a minimum amount of money transferred.

For example, the cost of transferring from BJB banks to other banks is IDR 6,500. Then, banks also apply a maximum limit on daily transfers. The amount itself varies, some are IDR 10,000,000 and others IDR 15,000,000.

Types of remittances through banking

If you are a customer of one of the banks in Indonesia, you should know the types oftransfers that are prohibited in Indonesia. There are three types of transfers, namely the National Bi Clearing System (SKNBI), Real-Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) and Online Transfers.  Currently, most Indonesians only know the type of online transfer.

You can use SKNBI services directly to the nearest branch. By using this clearing system, you will geta cheaper transfer fee of IDR 5,000. But the funds will reach the destination account will take 4 hours. In one day, you can send funds using the compensation system five times.

For the RTGS method, it is used for transfers in very large quantities. The minimum amount of RTGS transfers reaches 100,000,000 Rp each time you make a transaction.  This system  is quite rarely used by individuals, usually converted by Bank C into Bank D. But in fact, it can also be used by individuals as long as the minimum transfer limit is respected.

Moreover, namely online transfers, this type of online transfer is the most used by the public. This type of transfer can be done via your ATM or smartphone. These online transfer fees vary, typically from 6,500 to 7,500 rp per transaction.

Bank code of BJB and several other banks in Indonesia

Il y abeaucoup de banques en Indonésie, donc il y aussi beaucoup de codes bancaires qui existent. En voici quelques-uns, les codes Banque BJB 110, Banque BJB Syariah 425, bank BCA 014, bank Mandiri 008, bank BNI 009, bank BNI Syariah 427, bank BRI 002, bank Syariah Mandiri 451, bank CIMB Niaga 022, bank CIMB Niaga Syariah 022, b ank Muamalat 147 , et bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional (BTPN) 213.

En plus de ceux déjà mentionnés ci-dessus, il en existe encore plusieurs, à savoir le code bancaire JENIUS 213, bank BRI Syariah 422, bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) 200, Permata Bank 013, bank Danamon 011, bank BII Maybank 016, bank Mega 426, bank Sinarmas 153, b ank Commonwealth 950 , bank OCBC NISP 028, bank Bukopin 441, bank BCA Syariah 536, bank Lippo 026, Citibank 031 et Indosat Dompetku 789.

In fact, there are still very many banking codes in Indonesia, as each bank has its own code. These codes are used when you are going to make a transfer between banks. To see the full list of bank codes in Indonesia, you can use an ATM.

How to make an interbank transfer via an ATM

Suppose you are going to make a transfer with the destination account of the BJB bank.  The first step is to visit the nearest ATM where you are.  Next, make sure your ATM balance is sufficient to make a transfer.  Then follow these steps to make a transfer between k tires for the purpose of BJB bank:

  1. Insert the ATM card into the ATM.
  2. Then type the PIN of your ATM card
  3. If successful, select Transfer, and then select Select Online Interbank.
  4. Enter the BJB bank code plus the destination account number. Let’s just say the account number 098765432 and the code is 110. So what you put in it is 1100987654321.
  5. Enter the amount of money you want to transfer. Make sure that the nominal entered is correct. Because the money that has been transferred cannot be withdrawn. After that, choose true.
  6. On the monitor screen will display r i ncian information about the receiver. Make sure the recipient’s name and account number are correct. If you just clicked correctly.
  7. If there is no error or error, the screen will ask you to write that the transaction was successful. Then the ATM will issue proof of receipt of the transfer. If you have a bag, it means that you have successfully made a transfer.
  8. Remember to keep proof of transfer receipt if necessary.

Currently, you need to be very careful when making transfers through ATMs. Because there are so many modes of crime that exist. Never give your ATM pin to anyone, as it is very dangerous. When you enter the PIN code from the ATM to the ATM, it should also not be seen by people around you.

When you are going to make an interbank transfer, there are several things that need to be taken into account. The first is the transfer fee. The cost of interbank transfers varies in amount. Then the second is the destination bank code. It would be good for you to prepare in  advance before entering the ATM socket. For example, when making interbank shipments for the purpose of BJB bank as in the example above, prepare the bank code BJB in advance.

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